Here you can find some of our Frequently Asked Questions.




Read 2142 times| Last modified on Wednesday, 31 May 2023 13:24

Do I have to register to provide data?

Yes, you have to register to contribute to the platform.

Do I need to pay to participate?

No. We appreciate that you are willing to contribute data for this platform. No payment is asked.

Will I be able to see my own data points?

Yes, BiciZen allows you to filter your own contributions or the contributions by topic.

Will everybody see my contributions?

It depends. You can make your observations visible (Default), hide their location on the map, or fully hide the spot.

How will the data be used?

The crowdsourced data will be used to improve cycling infrastructure. The results may be used for research by universities

What equipment do I need?

All you need is a smartphone. You can also use a computer and contribute from a browser. 

Can I do this with children?

Yes, you can use the app with your children. Keep in mind that using the phone while cycling can be dangerous, so please watch your child at all times and don’t encourage risky behavior.

Are there particular times when it will be especially helpful for me to send data?

There will be times when it will be particularly helpful for us to get a lot of data. We will often organize mapathons in such periods. We will alert users with the help of push messages on the app, when these periods are.

Isn’t this data already collected by municipalities?

Some of the data is, nonetheless, it’s not always available to the general user, and the spatial precision is usually not high (Neighborhood scale or street.).

Can crowdsourced data be good enough for scientific studies?

Yes, many previous citizen science studies have already shown this. The measurements might not be as precise as with conventional measurement equipment, but the magnitude of the values is likely to be correct. Values that are physically impossible or highly unlikely will be discarded.

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Funding EU

The SMART-ER project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement #101016888. This result only reflects the author's view and the EU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains

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