How to participate

Collect data

Using the BiciZen app, you can make reports regarding cycling related topics, propose how you would improve the cycling infrastructure of your city or share positive cycling experiences.


You can login here to get to your spots or to enter a new observation via browser. If this is the first time you contribute to the BiciZen project, you can create an account here.


You can also subscribe to our newsletter:



Here you can find some of our Frequently Asked Questions.



Create your free user account and join up!

Create your free user account and join up!

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App Downloads & Manual

Download the App of the project for Android or IOS now!
Below you can also find a short App Manual with an overview about the core features:

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Open App Manual

Social Media

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Link Tree


Funding EU

The SMART-ER project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement #101016888. This result only reflects the author's view and the EU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains

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