BiciZen: a collaborative platform to make cities more bikeable.
BiciZen is an open and collaborative platform that crowdsources data about everyday cycling experiences in city regions around Europe. Our platform aims to empower cyclists with information that can improve their everyday cycling experience. By contributing to BiciZen, cyclists also contribute to a broader research project and help city officials understand patterns and problems related to cycling.
We aim to highlight the contribution of the citizen cyclist in the transformation of their city region. Our name, BiciZen, is the convergence of the Bicycle + Citizen, and a nod to the pure joy of riding, which under the best circumstances, evokes inner peace and tranquility.
BiciZen engages people who cycle in city regions and want to make cycling safer and easier. By participating in BiciZen you will be contributing to a larger dialogue on the future of bicycle infrastructure in your city. BiciZen also helps you connect with other cyclists.
The data collected on the BiciZen platform will provide a historical record of cycling incidents, events, and commentary that can be consulted by all stakeholders. Anonymized datasets will be shared as open data for research use.
The data collected through BiciZen is open and free to cycling activists, city officials or researchers and made available on our website.
BiciZen has been created through a research collaboration between five ECIU universities funded by the ECIU SMART-ER seed program for citizen science.